Emotionally Intelligent leadership is an important determinant of success in business: higher productivity, better customer satisfaction, retention of employees, lower rates of accidents, absenteeism and grievances and improved team functioning.

Re-Sources Organizational Support Newsletter

Emergency & Crisis Intervention Services

Crisis in the workplace takes on many faces. When a crisis occurs, the organization must assess and resolve it quickly and compassionately.

Source Line is an organization of highly experienced professionals who have dealt with all types of emergency crisis situations. Our multi-disciplinary team includes psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and organizational counsellors.

In addition to dealing with the immediate emergency, we offer short- and long-term systemic organizational solutions. These range from:

The professional, humane handling of employee crisis situations gives all employees a personal sense of well-being and confidence.

Knowing what to do is important!

Examples of Types of Emergency Crisis Intervention Services

Organizations need to know that mental health problems are now the most common reason for long-term disability claims in Canada. Clinical depression is estimated to cost Canadian business as much as 4 billion dollars annually.