Emotionally Intelligent leadership is an important determinant of success in business: higher productivity, better customer satisfaction, retention of employees, lower rates of accidents, absenteeism and grievances and improved team functioning.

Re-Sources Organizational Support Newsletter

Example #1 – Workplace Harassment

Building on previous efforts, an on-site counsellor/consultant was able to develop a working coalition to effectively address workplace harassment.

At a manufacturing and office complex there were recurring instances of sexual harassment and disrespectful behaviour in both the office and manufacturing site.

At the office, sexually explicit email was making the rounds and being sent to female employees.

At the manufacturing site, people were being called derogatory names and intimidated. Some of the female employees were being sexually harassed and verbally abused.

Despite corrective efforts from the Human Resources Department, the atmosphere became toxic.

Through the initiatives of a Wellness Committee, the on-site consultant/counsellor helped organize and promote "respect in the workplace" by working with human resources, health & safety and the union executive. Several mandatory educational sessions were offered promoting a "Respectful Workplace". The consultation to both management and the union helped all stakeholders determine what type of culture change employees wanted. They then helped them implement that change.

The counsellor's credibility as a neutral facilitator was central to helping both sides work together, as opposed to having it imposed from the top down with no real employee buy-in.

This preventative intervention saved the organization money. Since the union also championed the initiative, there were fewer grievances around harassment issues.